Our Services

  • Setup, organization and maintenance of your Food Program financial management system.

    Categorize all transactions based on Chart of Accounts and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and CACFP and/or SFSP Financial Management Requirements.

  • Produce monthly Detailed General Ledger, Income Statement (aka Profit & Loss), updated Balance Sheet and Budget vs. Actual reports. In addition, produce monthly reconciliation reports of bank accounts and credit cards.

  • Assist in budget preparation and analysis. Monitor budget variances and make recommendations when budget revisions are needed.

  • We will organize your financial documentation by month and produce electronic files in a timely manner to ensure you are prepared for audits/reviews.

  • Behind on your books? We will go back to the first month of the current Program/Fiscal Year to ensure your financial activity is complete and accurate for entire Year.

Our services are eligible expenses that can be included in your CACFP budget!